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Verified member (what's that?)

Verified members are usually genuine and serious about making a BDSM relationship.

Out of this world

Age:25 years
Sponsoring:I expect money
Marital status:single
I'm looking for a:man
Height:4ft 10in (147 cm)
Weight:8st 0lb (50.8 kg)
I like most:pain
Light or hard:hard
I like:bondage, spanking, pain, fisting, other
Last login:2 weeks ago

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Get lost in my mind and beauty

Firey redhead with green eyes

Prefer too be in charge

Submissive when I want to be

Open to a variety of options

Findom is my fav

New worlds of pleasure

Sexy chat, pics & vids

Possible meetings

no money no honey ;) kisses

Also open to relationships if it goes that way

Also if u message me filth or anything sexual I will block u ;) more kisses

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