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Lady Williams

A young mistress looking for the right one

Age:20 years
Sponsoring:I don't expect money
Marital status:single
I'm looking for a:man
Height:2ft 0in (61 cm)
Weight:1st 0lb (6.4 kg)
I like most:sex
Light or hard:light
I like:spanking, sex, fetish, fisting
Last login:1 month ago

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Read before messaging:

I am NOT looking for:
- People who want to message or text, if I like you after a bit of texting I’ll call you.
- Adding on to this, I don’t want any dirty messages, you telling me anything about your skills or experience (unless I ask). I wanna know about you personally.
- People who don’t meet, if I try to organise a date I don’t want ‘I’ll see’ or ‘Maybe later’ either arrange it now or never.
- People who ask endless questions, it’s me considering you not the other way round. If you’re only going to consider me don’t message.
- People who can’t follow basic instructions, I can do it so can you!

I AM looking for:
- Very submissive men (particularly aged between 18-25) however, will consider any age (more you will have to do the older)
- Easy to talk to men, will hop on a phone or Skype call with me and have a laugh.
- Independent men, especially if you’re older like how can you not accommodate lol.

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