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Positive, playful, obedient.

Age:41 years
Sponsoring:I don't expect money
Marital status:single
I'm looking for a:man
Height:5ft 8in (173 cm)
Weight:1st 0lb (6.4 kg)
I like most:sex
Light or hard:very hard
I like:bondage, spanking, pain, sex, fetish, other
Last login:2 weeks ago

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Welcome to my kinky little corner!

I'm naturally subby, sometimes little, and have maso tendencies, although I need some gentle treatment too. I like the opposites, hurt me then hold me, coerce me but care for me, taking risks but in the safest possible way, when the taboo things sound so wrong but feel perfectly right. I'm craving structure and rules, with the appropriate consequences when I don't quite manage to be the good girl that I always try very hard to be. There's a teeny tiny defiant side of me that occasionally pops out by accident! I’m fascinated by trigger words and phrases and keen to explore that further.

I dont have much recent experience, I'm still learning and exploring and would like to find someone to do that with in the long term. I'm not a hook up kind of girlie, I need a deeper mental connection to be able to fully immerse myself and be in the moment to give my everything. I don't like to drive very far, so distance is a deal breaker for me.

In 'normal' life, I'm a positive person, an animal lover and I love to help people. I love to learn new things, read, make presents for people, and play my piano. I love all things pink and fluffy, and rainbows of course! I love to giggle and have fun. I don't like drama, I much prefer to stay relaxed and manage any stresses as gently as possible. I love a bedtime story and Disney! I have ME/CFS but am doing very well in my recovery.

I'm sometimes a bit shy but also friendly!

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