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Back on here looking for a LTR

Age:26 years
Sponsoring:I don't expect money
Marital status:single
I'm looking for a:woman, man
Height:5ft 3in (160 cm)
Weight:8st 12lb (56.2 kg)
I like most:bondage
Light or hard:hard
I like:bondage, spanking, pain, sex, fetish, wax, clips, other
Last login:14 hours ago

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Hello people,
I’m Megan.

I’m back on here after a 3 year break. I have been a unicorn to a lovely couple from Poland who unfortunately decided they want to start a family back in Poland. They left in December. They invited me to go with them but I’m not brave enough and I’m not into babies. Happy for them. Sad for me. Now I’m looking for something new.

I want something for me. Ideally a long term relationship with someone who I can love and respect. A relationship that will appear to be vanilla to the outside world but with someone who is a dominant sadistic demon behind closed doors. I want someone I can completely relax with. Just because i have a high sex drive and kinky tastes doesn’t mean I’m easy. I want to be best friends and a loving partner in public. Privately, I want to be an uninhibited pervy slut but just for my one partner. I won’t be shared with others.

I’m not a complete doormat so I won’t suit someone who wants a mindless compliant slave. I wouldn’t say I’m a brat but I will sometimes provoke you with affectionate teasing.

I’m fairly plain looking. I don’t wear a lot of make-up. I think I look younger than my age. An absolute nuisance when I’m trying to buy wine but I will probably be very happy about it when I’m 40. I have job that I enjoy so although moving is not out of the question it would be a big thing.

I need to respect you. That means that amongst other things you need to be at least as smart as me. Luckily that’s not particularly difficult. I also need you to be reasonably fit. I do a lot of swimming. You don’t need to be an athlete but you can’t be very overweight. I’m hoping for something very long term so you need to be in my age group. Probably someone in their 30s. Up to a maximum of 45 IF you look like you’re in your 30s. . I want someone experienced in impact play.

How good looking you are is not particularly important but openness is. So if you can’t or won’t show your face on here i am not interested. I know some people, especially older people, are afraid to be seen on here. Work or family etc. If that is you then we are almost definitely not a match.

I have a VERY wide range of kinks. I especially like anything that involves bondage and “force”. I’ll discuss what I like when we talk. For now I will just say what I won’t do. It’s simpler.
No permanent marks; no blood; no scat;
It must be safe sex until we are tested and exclusive.

You must be prepared to video chat fairly soon. Once we can see that we might be suited then I need to know you are real. Video is the way. FaceTime etc. Last time I was on here I met two people who were using photos that were at least 20 years old.
It’s also much easier to discuss anything on video. . Conversation is 20 times faster than if it’s typed. I definitely will not meet anyone unless we have chatted on video first.

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