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Very submissive girl

Age:25 years
Sponsoring:I expect money
Marital status:single
I'm looking for a:woman, man
Height:5ft 5in (165 cm)
Weight:12st 6lb (78.9 kg)
I like most:fetish
Light or hard:very hard
I like:bondage, spanking, pain, sex, pissing, fetish, fisting, clips
Last login:1 month ago

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I am an owned slave and my master wants to whore me out.

I am very submissive and love making people happy.

My master will run this account so just tell him what you want and what you’re offering (dose not need to be money)

I will do almost anything my master makes me.

My master will be present throughout and may join in if you like.

Can do videos or pictures too on request.

Condoms to be worn for everything.

Naked or maid cleaning is an option too.

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