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Sad Bitch

For Your Abusement.

Age:41 years
Sponsoring:I don't expect money
Marital status:divorced
I'm looking for a:man
Height:5ft 7in (170 cm)
Weight:8st 0lb (50.8 kg)
I like most:sex
Light or hard:very hard
I like:pain, sex, pissing
Last login:3 days ago

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I am a highly educated, high achieving female. I was privately educated, and have a thriving professional career. (IQ 156.) And i am also a sad, pathetic bitch.

I have been married twice, divorced twice. But my need has never been for my own class. My fantasy is having repulsive sex with men I would normally not even look at. Who i would step over in the gutter. Much older men, much younger men, ugly men, uneducated men, fat men, men from council estates, ethnics. Even the unemployed or disabled. I have this need to feel degraded and utterly repulsed. To completely hate it, but somehow feel grateful for their abusive attentions.

I do not expect any replies to this, but if you are any one of the above, and preferably more….make contact. You will find a woman willing to absorb your abuse as a bee absorbs nectar.

Am I snooty? Yes. Am I snobby? Yes. Am i am stuck up cunt? Most definitely.

But maybe I just need to be brought down a peg or 50.Taught a harsh lesson.


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